Friday, June 15, 2012

Greedy and speedy

June 10th

Today was the day of my resupply at Jo-Mary Road and I hiked with a ferocious pace to get to it.  A guy who has been hking the same mileage as me, Excell, also had a resupply.  I had somewhat rememebered the instructions, but I felt like I was on the losing end of a scavenger hunt.  Luckily for me, Excell paid attention to Phil when he explained the directions to the locker that contained our food.

After a bit of searching on the wrong road, we hiked on and quickly found the locker.  It is amazing how happy a Sunkist and a Zebra Cake can make you out here.  I grabbed my food, a Sunkist to drink with my lunch, a few extra Little Debbie's, and some food that Excell gave from his buddy who has left the trail.  My pack felt like it had doubled in weight as I had way more food than I needed.

Despite my heavier pack the hiking got easier with my sugar high and general excitement.  Excell and I decided to stop at the next shelter for some lunch.  We had finished lunch before noon and we decided to hike another 8 or so miles to the next shelter.  We ended up hiking over 19 miles.  The last two were gruesome after I added three liters of water to my already overweight pack.  My pack felt like it was over forty-five pounds.  It was digging into my shoulders and making my legs weak under the pressure.  I quickly realized that I had been greedy at the resupply.

When I got to the shelter there was a group of girls complaining about having to ration food due to their slow pace.  Eager to remove some of the weight from my pack I offered them some of my extra food which they gladly accepted.  They were very grateful for the calories and I was happy to spare my feet added punishment.

I thourghly enjoyed the improved trail conditions today and the challenge of a more difficult climb.  Tomrrow Excell and i have planned to hike fourteen miles over the mountains.  I am ready to see how well I do on steeper terrain.

Asta manana.


1 comment:

  1. Great entries man. I look forward to hearing more. Stay Safe out there!
